O.co, The Deep State, & the Burn Notice…

More #deepstate shenanigans via leadership at #State, #FBI, & #CIA… I suppose this gentleman is a #conspiracy #theorist.  If you’re unfamiliar with the context see here…



What is a #burnnotice? Stay tuned…






Overstock.com CEO out after revealing affair with Russian agent and “Deep State” comments


Patrick Byrne, Overstock CEO, resigns today amid deep state comments, affair with convicted Russia agent Maria Butina and FBI involvement – CBS News.pdf

Overstock.com shares tumble after CEO’s cryptic comments about “Deep State”

In the statement, Byrne suggested that in 2015 he helped the federal government with investigations into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and into a probe involving Hillary Clinton.


Overstock.com shares tumble after CEO’s cryptic comments about Deep State – CBS News

Overstock.com CEO Comments on Deep State, Withholds Further Comment


Overstock.com CEO Comments on Deep State, Withholds Further Comment



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