COVID-19 Is Killing America


Hello Patriots! I hope you’re not over indulging in the news and all the statistics on COVID-19 deaths. Whatever the numbers are right now, add one to the body count to represent America and the US Constitution. I just watched Andrew Cuomo’s press conference and I was dumbfounded by his pride in the bill he signed to seize ventilators from hospitals in other parts of the state to give to New York City hospitals. He was nonchalant about the possibility of being sued for Fourth Amendment violations which dropped my jaw again. I’m not a soulless person wishing imminent death on COVID-19 patients in NYC but I know dooming New Yorkers in other parts of the state by commandeering equipment from other hospitals is not only unconstitutional but also an ineffective solution. Cuomo calls his proposed solution “sharing” but it sounds more like pillaging when the property owners have no choice. Promising to return usurped equipment or compensating for equipment that is not returned does not make the transactions consensual. COVID-19 WILL spread to the rest of the state, so ensuring all the other counties and towns in New York are as unprepared as NYC to respond to the threat is sinister. I find it hard to believe that “borrowed” equipment will be returned when the “owner” needs it, if in fact it is still in use at an NYC hospital. In this time of tragedy, the governor of New York has turned his back on the Constitution and all of New York outside of New York City by trying his hand at totalitarianism and using the National Guard as a part of his medical equipment theft scheme. Who knew a flu like virus could kill our nation???

Until we meet again, stay safe!

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