Un-Censoring Pocahontas’s (Elizabeth Warren’s) Re-branding of Cultural Appropriation


Elizabeth Warren scrubs website of Cherokee ancestry claims


Elizabeth Warren has disowned her disastrous DNA stunt but will the journalists who initially promoted it?


Warren apologizes for heritage claims as Democratic presidential contenders woo Native Americans in Sioux City


Warren apologizes for heritage claims as Democratic presidential contenders woo Native Americans in Sioux City _ Government and Politics _ siouxcityjournal.com

In light of the obvious #collusion #censorship effort by the #fakenews #media, because #creepyjoe is not going to make it and Liz and the #socialists are currently #pandering, I present:  #Pocahontas #original #DNA Test.


The Original Boston Globe Report (in *.pdf):  Elizabeth Warren releases results of DNA test – The Boston Globe


#Elizabeth #Warren #DNC #WWG1WGA



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